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It’s official! Work begins on Hidden Garden farm Christmas Island!

Christmas Island Flying Fish Cove

We’ve had to wait through more than one Christmas for work to begin on Hidden Garden Sustainable Farm Christmas Island. But the wait is over and we are finally underway. Our first milestone, an eight megalitre dam, is expected to be completed by March 2015, paving the way for a compost facility, propagation nursery, and mulching and preparation of the soil for cropping beds. Our first planting will be mid-year and first harvest will be celebrated in July 2015, along with the opening of the Hidden Garden Sustainable Farm’s permaculture training centre.

The journey to Hidden Garden Sustainable Farm Christmas Island has not been without its frustrations. Thank you to our investors, shareholders and friends of Hidden Garden, as well as all levels of Government, who have patiently travelled the Hidden Garden road with us. We came so close in the early half of 2013, meeting all the necessary bureaucratic requirements and just as it looked like things were finally moving we were swept up in the Australian Federal Election in September 2013, which delivered a change of government. It was back to the start. On Friday 28 November 2014 we finally received the signed Lease from the Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, Mr Jamie Briggs, which now gives us the green light to commence work and start delivering high quality fresh produce for the Christmas Island community!

Organic Mongolia!

Seaberry Aerial

Late last year, Hidden Garden Sustainable Farms farming guru Mr Paul Taylor, was asked to contribute his vast knowledge of organic agricultural growing systems to the design of a truly remarkable cold-climate farming system in the heart of Mongolia. The climate in this part of the world is extreme to say the least. Annual temperatures can range from -40C to +40C and wind speeds can regularly hit the 100km/hr mark. To say that these conditions are challenging would be an understatement! The Seaberry Farm Bio Dome is being designed as a fully organic system that is 100% organic, 70% nutrient self-reliant and 100% energy self-reliant.

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