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Organic Mongolia!

Seaberry Aerial

Late last year, Hidden Garden Sustainable Farms farming guru Mr Paul Taylor, was asked to contribute his vast knowledge of organic agricultural growing systems to the design of a truly remarkable cold-climate farming system in the heart of Mongolia. The climate in this part of the world is extreme to say the least. Annual temperatures can range from -40C to +40C and wind speeds can regularly hit the 100km/hr mark. To say that these conditions are challenging would be an understatement! The Seaberry Farm Bio Dome is being designed as a fully organic system that is 100% organic, 70% nutrient self-reliant and 100% energy self-reliant.

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Fresh Food Closer to Christmas!

Paul on Christmas IslandLocals’ show their support and talks in Canberra prove fruitful as an indicative timeline is announced.

We were overwhelmed by the depth of support and insight from local residents and business owners on Christmas Island during our last visit in May 2012. Our offer document was well received and our invitation for shareholders is now open. Our most recent visit to Canberra was also positive and encouraging. We have now been given an indicative timeline for the tendering of the Crown Land we identified as the most suitable site for the Christmas Island Farm outlined below:

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